A Micro and Macroeconomic Analysis of the Energy Industry: The Economic Efficiency of Enterprises

A Micro and Macroeconomic Analysis of the Energy Industry: The Economic Efficiency of Enterprises

Number 12, December 2023  »  Financial and performance management

Associate Professor Pompei Mititean, PhD
National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA), Bucharest, Romania

Abstract: The purpose of this article is to analyse at the micro- and macroeconomic level the energy industry in Romania, evaluating the economic efficiency of the company Nuclearelectrica SA in the period 2018-2022. Starting from a macroeconomic perspective, analysing electricity prices at the level of the European Union and Romania, a substantial increase in prices was observed that household and nonhousehold consumers have fully felt since 2022, corroborated, on the other hand, with the profits obtained in general by companies in the industry, and in particular by Nuclearelectrica SA in the period 2018-2022. In order to evaluate the economic efficiency of a company, level and structure indicators and performance indicators were calculated and interpreted. The results of the study show that the economic efficiency of companies in this industry is high, facing the difficult legislation on environmental pollution and the rules imposed by the European Union on the creation of clean energy. This study provides an overview to investors and stakeholders, which is a basis for substantiating subsequent investment decisions.
Classification JEL: G32, O11, O12, O13, Q43, Q49 | Pages: 64-72

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