Applying the Direct-Costing Method in the Hotel Sector

Applying the Direct-Costing Method in the Hotel Sector

Number 12, December 2021  »  Management accounting

Econ Cristian-Remus Jurj
Econ Adelin-Nicolae Mateș
"1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia

Abstract: The direct-costing method is a method often used for determining and analyzing costs, in order to make the best decisions at the management level, both for companies whose object of activity is production and for those providing services, such as accommodation units that are the subject of this paper. Romania enjoys a wide category of tourist reception structures, having a huge tourist potential, given the extremely varied relief and the multitude of tourist attractions in the country, representing an important source of the labour market (at the beginning of 2020, about 400,000 employment contracts were registered in the industry), but nevertheless they hold only about 3% of the gross domestic product of Romania (unlike Greece, where they hold 25%). All this leads to the importance of the fact that in the hotel industry, the management is informed with regard to the cost situation, in order to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the activity, which is the main step towards the development of the hotel sector in Romania.
Classification JEL: L83, D24 | Pages: 22-33

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