Number 10 / October 2020

The Fiscal Treatment of the Acquisition Expenses for the Electronic Cash Registers

The Fiscal Treatment of the Acquisition Expenses for the Electronic Cash Registers

Lucian Cernușca


Pages: 27-37

Number 10, October 2020


Statistics: views 568 / PDF DL 5258 / PDF views 119

Abstract | PDF (8.73 MB)

Taxation of Income from Professional Training Activities

Taxation of Income from Professional Training Activities

Bogdan Cosmin Gomoi


Pages: 38-45

Number 10, October 2020


Statistics: views 167 / PDF DL 683 / PDF views 50

Abstract | PDF (8.57 MB)

Teleworking and Working from Home in the Current Environment

Teleworking and Working from Home in the Current Environment

Elena Stănciulescu

Financial accounting and reporting

Pages: 52-60

Number 10, October 2020


Statistics: views 205 / PDF DL 2667 / PDF views 216

Abstract | PDF (8.58 MB)

National and International Fiscal Regulations on Value Added Tax (I)

National and International Fiscal Regulations on Value Added Tax (I)

George-Adrian Stanciu


Pages: 61-72

Number 10, October 2020


Statistics: views 105 / PDF DL 261 / PDF views 57

Abstract | PDF (8.60 MB)

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