Dynamic Diagnosis of the Financial Performances of a Company in the HoReCa Sector, Between Resilience and Sustainability

Dynamic Diagnosis of the Financial Performances of a Company in the HoReCa Sector, Between Resilience and Sustainability

Number 10, October 2023  »  Financial and performance management

Lecturer Bogdan Cosmin Gomoi, PhD
"Aurel Vlaicu" University of Arad

Abstract: The HoReCa sector is very responsive as regards the fluctuations in the global economic context of a country or region. Its volatility also manifested especially in the pandemic circumstances generated by COVID-19, once various gradual restrictions were imposed, which led to the slowing down or even the interruption of the activity, considering that the state of alert and the state of emergency were declared.
The study hereby aims to emphasize the dynamics of performances in the HoReCa sector, particularized for a relevant company within it, Turism Felix SA in Băile Felix station, Bihor county, respectively. During the last few years, both Băile Felix resort and the analyzed entity have experienced continuous growth, with an exponential trend. At the same time, the company proved to be extremely resilient amid the pandemic, being able to be a model of management of a business in the field. In this respect, the article hereby presents a financial diagnosis based on the profit and loss account (financial performance) for a period made up of three consecutive financial years, 2019, respectively, defined by normality, 2020, during the pandemic, and 2021, under conditions of relative normality, marked however by the numerous restrictions imposed by the obligativity of the green certificate.
Classification JEL: G17, G32, M19, M41, L83 | Pages: 23-32

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