Financial Management of a Company in the Pharmaceutical Sector

Financial Management of a Company in the Pharmaceutical Sector

Number 9, September 2024  »  Financial and performance management

Lecturer Bogdan Cosmin Gomoi, PhD
"Aurel Vlaicu" University of Arad

Abstract: From a financial perspective, a company is highlighted by means of two major informational components, namely assets and results. While assets define the entity in terms of resources and their forms of use, the results bring to the forefront the performance-generating structures, either favorably or unfavorably. Accounting faithfully reflects the reality of the company in terms of assets and results. These informational components, highlighted in their dynamics, are meant to serve managerial decisions. In this respect, the financial management manifests itself in a dynamic manner. According to the allocation and use of resources over a longer or shorter period than a financial year, the financial management is divided into a long-term component and a short-term component. The first predominantly focuses on permanent capital and fixed assets, while the latter focuses on operating liabilities and inventories. This paper aims to present the specifics of financial management, both on the long-term and on the short-term, in the case of a company in the pharmaceutical sector.
Classification JEL: G32, M10, M19, M40, M49 | Pages: 11-24

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