How Big Data Analytics Impacts the Retail Management on the European and American Markets?

How Big Data Analytics Impacts the Retail Management on the European and American Markets?

Number 6, June 2022  »  Financial and performance management

Mesbaul Haque Sazu a
Sakila Akter Jahan b
a Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, USA
b Illinois State University, Normal, USA

Abstract: Many studies on big data analytics focused on specialized use cases in business environments. Studies have been performed on the use of big data analytics in order to learn about consumer associations and expertise, among others. Nevertheless, there is an absence of investigation within the retail industry contemplating the big data management, looking at the adverse effect on organizational performance and customer satisfaction. Merchants investigate analytics to obtain a unified picture of their operations and customers throughout online channels or stores and make strategic choices towards the management of retail. Thereof, this analysis was carried out by focusing heavily on the European and American retail sector to demonstrate the impact of big data analytics. A quantitative study technique was used to analyze 450 individuals in the European and American retail sector. The outcomes on the analysis mentioned that among the various big data analytics used inside the European and American retail sector, the individuals majorly emphasized social networking analytics. Future scientists can do research on the forthcoming retail fashion on the European and American markets, and the way the consequences of big data evaluation evolved within the previous couple of years and contend with the unpredicted long-term recessions within the European and American retail sector.
Classification JEL: L81 | Pages: 62-72

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