Normative and Accounting Issues on Public Procurement of Services

Normative and Accounting Issues on Public Procurement of Services

Number 12, December 2022  »  Financial accounting and reporting

Associate Professor Ileana Cosmina Pitulice, PhD
Professor Aurelia Ștefănescu, PhD
Bucharest University of Economic Studies

Abstract: The public procurement of services completes the portfolio of mechanisms through which the public sector responds to community members in terms of social needs, quality, cost, timeliness, accountability and sustainability. The economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic can be found at the level of all components of the national economy, but especially inside the public sector, through the drastic reduction of financial resources. Thus, the issue of the public procurement of services involves an integrated approach, both in terms of the regulations and the specific accounting policies.
Classification JEL: M41, M48, H83 | Pages: 13-22

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