Financial accounting and reporting

Account Management and Accounting Operations Specific to the Agricultural Cooperatives (VI)

Account Management and Accounting Operations Specific to the Agricultural Cooperatives (VI)

Paul C. Șchiopu

Pages: 3-13

Published online: 26 Aug 2022


Statistics: views 85 / PDF DL 101 / PDF views 29

Abstract | PDF (218.08 KB)


Analysis of the Financial Position of an Entity on the Romanian Seaside under Normal and Pandemic Conditions

Analysis of the Financial Position of an Entity on the Romanian Seaside under Normal and Pandemic Conditions

Bogdan Cosmin Gomoi

Pages: 14-23

Published online: 26 Aug 2022


Statistics: views 59 / PDF DL 87 / PDF views 40

Abstract | PDF (225.25 KB)


Adjustment of Value-Added Tax

Adjustment of Value-Added Tax

Lucian Cernușca

Pages: 24-34

Published online: 26 Aug 2022


Statistics: views 218 / PDF DL 406 / PDF views 139

Abstract | PDF (210.03 KB)

Sustainability and non-financial reporting

The Impact of Socio-Cultural Factors on the Business Environment

The Impact of Socio-Cultural Factors on the Business Environment

Cătălina-Ioana Toader

Pages: 35-42

Published online: 26 Aug 2022


Statistics: views 66 / PDF DL 162 / PDF views 60

Abstract | PDF (217.93 KB)

Financial and performance management

The Impact of the Activity-Based Costing on SMEs’ Financial Performance in Lusaka, Zambia (II)

The Impact of the Activity-Based Costing on SMEs’ Financial Performance in Lusaka, Zambia (II)

Anthony Mwila, Vincent Masaka, Kaombe Tukumana

Pages: 43-54

Published online: 26 Aug 2022


Statistics: views 20 / PDF DL 85 / PDF views 15

Abstract | PDF (250.81 KB)

Financial and performance management

The Relevance of Cost-Value-Performance Trinom for Organization Management

The Relevance of Cost-Value-Performance Trinom for Organization Management

Mihaela (Ștefan) Hint

Pages: 55-61

Published online: 26 Aug 2022


Statistics: views 48 / PDF DL 68 / PDF views 19

Abstract | PDF (274.59 KB)

Information management and technology

The Impact of Data Analytics on High Efficiency Supply Chain Management

The Impact of Data Analytics on High Efficiency Supply Chain Management

Sakila Akter Jahan, Mesbaul Haque Sazu

Pages: 62-72

Published online: 26 Aug 2022


Statistics: views 21 / PDF DL 81 / PDF views 17

Abstract | PDF (260.46 KB)

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