Business strategy, risk and corporate governance

How Do Listed Romanian Companies Comply with or Explain Good Corporate Governance Guidelines?

How Do Listed Romanian Companies Comply with or Explain Good Corporate Governance Guidelines?

Marius Eugen Rogoz, Dragoș Andrei Stoica

Pages: 1-10

Published online: 30 Jul 2024


Statistics: views 19 / PDF DL 10 / PDF views 8

Abstract | PDF (275.40 KB)

Internal control, audit and assurance

The Influence of Audit, an Important Component of Corporate Governance, on the Companies’ Performance in the Energy Sector

The Influence of Audit, an Important Component of Corporate Governance, on the Companies’ Performance in the Energy Sector

Daniel Ceguș, Anda Gheorghiu, Florentina Neamțu

Pages: 11-22

Published online: 30 Jul 2024


Statistics: views 27 / PDF DL 20 / PDF views 17

Abstract | PDF (294.73 KB)

Business law

The Supply Contract

The Supply Contract

Ioana Nely Militaru

Pages: 23-29

Published online: 30 Jul 2024


Statistics: views 20 / PDF DL 15 / PDF views 6

Abstract | PDF (238.79 KB)


Declarative and Payment Obligations Regarding the Taxation of Income from Independent Activities Carried Out Under Sports Activity Contracts

Declarative and Payment Obligations Regarding the Taxation of Income from Independent Activities Carried Out Under Sports Activity Contracts

Lucian Cernușca

Pages: 30-40

Published online: 30 Jul 2024


Statistics: views 70 / PDF DL 61 / PDF views 24

Abstract | PDF (239.89 KB)

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