Sustainability and non-financial reporting

Sustainability Reporting and the Impact on Accounting Education

Sustainability Reporting and the Impact on Accounting Education

Robert-Aurelian Șova, Adriana Florina Popa

Pages: 1-5

Published online: 30 Aug 2024


Statistics: views 8 / PDF DL 9 / PDF views 4

Abstract | PDF (204.01 KB)

Financial and performance management

Particularities of Accounting and of Valuating the Financial Reporting Informational Content for a Fitness Center

Particularities of Accounting and of Valuating the Financial Reporting Informational Content for a Fitness Center

Bogdan Cosmin Gomoi

Pages: 6-17

Published online: 30 Aug 2024


Statistics: views 8 / PDF DL 11 / PDF views 6

Abstract | PDF (241.75 KB)

Business law

The Elements of the Insurance Contract

The Elements of the Insurance Contract

Ioana Nely Militaru

Pages: 18-26

Published online: 30 Aug 2024


Statistics: views 3 / PDF DL 2 / PDF views 0

Abstract | PDF (260.56 KB)


Offences Removed from the Scope of the Prevention Law

Offences Removed from the Scope of the Prevention Law

Elena Stănciulescu

Pages: 27-35

Published online: 30 Aug 2024


Statistics: views 4 / PDF DL 5 / PDF views 3

Abstract | PDF (212.19 KB)

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