Abordări financiar-contabile privind decizia de finanțare a entităților economice în perioada pandemiei de COVID-19
Numărul 10, octombrie 2020 » Finanțe
Rezumat: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic affected the financial situation of debtors, both individuals and legal entities, as they sought to find the best solutions for the recovery and functioning of their business. This paper aims to analyse the decision to finance an economic entity during the COVID-19 pandemic, generated by the need to acquire a tangible fixed asset necessary to carry out the core business. For this purpose, a series of financial and accounting aspects regarding the financing alternatives are highlighted using the following research tools: the observation method, the descriptive method, the case study method.
Clasificare JEL: M41, G11, G19, G23, H12 | Pagini: 9-19
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