Abordări privind fixarea prețurilor de vânzare

Abordări privind fixarea prețurilor de vânzare

Numărul 6, iunie 2021  »  Management financiar și al performanței

Prof. univ. dr. Corina-Graziella Bâtcă-Dumitru
conf. univ. dr. Daniela-Nicoleta Sahlian
conf. univ. dr. Cleopatra Șendroiu
dr. ec. Ioan-Codruț Țurlea
Academia de Studii Economice din București

Rezumat: Accounting information can be used to set prices, especially in the case in which the company is a market leader and can impose its own price-setting policy on its market. So, prices are generally already set by market leaders and the existence of competition in the case of similar products requires other organization to adapt their prices in order to match theirs.
Even in these circumstances, knowing and understanding costs helps managers make decisions regarding the choice of product/service that must be carried out, the quantity that should be sold and whether the market price justifies the business risk involved in any decision to sell on this market. At the same time, understanding the adopted marketing strategy is crucial to using the information provided by management accounting (regarding costs) for price-related decisions.
Clasificare JEL: G13, G17, G31, M11 | Pagini: 18-25

Statistică: vizualizări rezumat 125 | descărcări PDF 416 | vizualizări PDF 68
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