Analiza poziției financiare a unei entități de pe litoralul românesc în condiții de normalitate și de pandemie
Numărul 7, iulie 2022 » Finanțe
Rezumat: The hospitality industry, reflected in the literature under the acronym HoReCa, is an extremely volatile area of activity, often fluctuating and very sensitive to a wide range of conjunctural factors. The business entities in this sector are frequently influenced by the events occurring both at the level of their microenvironment and their macroenvironment. In this article we aim to perform the analysis of the financial position and its variations related to an entity in the hospitality industry situated on the Romanian seaside, taking into account the normal situation before the pandemic, but also the crisis generated by COVID-19.
Clasificare JEL: G32, L83, G01 | Pagini: 14-23
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