Analiza poziției financiare a unui operator economic din industria de beauty

Analiza poziției financiare a unui operator economic din industria de beauty

Numărul 10, octombrie 2022  »  Finanțe

Lect. univ. dr. Bogdan Cosmin Gomoi
Universitatea „Aurel Vlaicu” din Arad

Rezumat: In an extremely volatile competitive economic environment, in which price, quality and diversity compete in the consumer’s purchasing decision, the offer representatives, enterprises, companies or business operators, respectively, must take the adequate decisions at the right time, so as to maintain themselves on the market and also to ensure for their business an expected profitability. In this respect, beyond accounting and taxation, which are mandatory and regulated, capitalizations of the financial accounting information are extremely important in order to adopt the best decisions. For fulfilling this desideratum, the financial diagnosis, as a component of the financial analysis, has a huge importance. The starting point in the substantiation of the results is the company’s wealth, rendered at the level of the balance sheet or of assets, dues and equity. The article hereby aims to make a financial diagnosis founded on the wealth of a renowned company on the Romanian market, which is part of the beauty industry, Sephora Cosmetics România SA respectively, for a 10-year period (2012-2021).
Clasificare JEL: M10, M21, M41, G32 | Pagini: 14-22

Statistică: vizualizări rezumat 93 | descărcări PDF 183 | vizualizări PDF 75
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