Analiză comparativă privind structura financiară și de finanțare la societățile cu răspundere limitată
Numărul 8, august 2020 » Contabilitate și raportare financiară
Rezumat: According to the majority of specialists, the financial structure of economic entities refers to their own financing sources (equity) and the long-term external financing sources (long-term or current debts). Equally, the financing structure comprises all financing sources of the economic entities, both those related to the financial structure and operating liabilities. Therefore, the financial structure is part of the financing structure of an economic entity. The present article performs a conceptual and applicative review of the financial and financing structure, focusing on a sample of four limited liability companies, this being the most frequent type of companies in the business environment. The analysis extends over a period of three consecutive financial years and consists in dynamic types of analysis performed on the four selected economic entities, such as absolute deviation and moving deviation.
structură financiară; structură de finanțare; societate cu răspundere limitată; abatere absolută; abatere relativă
Clasificare JEL: G11, G17, G19 | Pagini: 30-40
vizualizări rezumat 213 |
descărcări PDF 720 |
vizualizări PDF 162
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