Contabilitatea în contextul pandemiei de COVID-19. Recapitulare și perspective românești
Numărul 4, aprilie 2022 » Contabilitate și raportare financiară
Rezumat: Until recently, the entire world has faced an unprecedented crisis phenomenon, the COVID-19 pandemic. Accounting represents an ever-changing field, and the crisis generated by the coronavirus has determined the multiplication of the accounting tasks, the highlighting of aspects requiring improvement and, at the same time, the use of the professional judgement in view of making the new accounting records necessary in that period. The main purpose of this article is to present the accounting in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, and its objectives are illustrating the changes occurred in the accounting during the crisis period, to render examples of accounting monographs regarding the economic and financial operations related to the specificities of the COVID-19 period, as well as to propose measures for improving the accounting activity within the entities, in order to optimize their operation both in the pandemic and in the post-pandemic period. By analysing the proposed aspects, we shall render the current image of accounting, we shall identify the aspects requiring improvement, as well as the guidelines for their achievement, so that the professional accountants, the students and the concerned persons may create an opinion on the accounting reality.
contabilitate; COVID-19; modificări; recomandări; concediu de carantină; decontare test COVID-19
Clasificare JEL: M41, M10, H12 | Pagini: 3-11
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