Controlul financiar preventiv, instrument în organizarea și eficientizarea activității entităților publice
Numărul 8, august 2022 » Control intern, audit și asigurare
Rezumat: By this article, we would like to emphasize the role that the preventive financial control has in the decision-making process, that of stopping, before carrying out, the operations that do not comply with the legal and regulatory requirements and/or, as appropriate, for fitting within the limits and purpose of the budget and commitment appropriations. The preventive financial control has an important role in the budget execution process, both in the incurring phase, and in the ordering expenses one. All professional accountants need to know the types of entities subject to the preventive financial control, the operations subject to the control and the way in which it is organised.
control financiar preventiv; angajare cheltuieli; ordonanțare cheltuieli; viză de control financiar preventiv
Clasificare JEL: M41, M49, E60, H83, L32 | Pagini: 45-55
vizualizări rezumat 136 |
descărcări PDF 117 |
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