Costul ciclului de viață al produselor

Costul ciclului de viață al produselor

Numărul 3, martie 2023  »  Management financiar și al performanței

Prof. univ. dr. Corina-Graziella Bâtcă-Dumitru
conf. univ. dr. Daniela-Nicoleta Sahlian
conf. univ. dr. Cleopatra Șendroiu
Academia de Studii Economice din București

Rezumat: This article presents aspects regarding the total cost of possession, the costs that are part of it according to the property held, its calculation and the difference between this cost and the cost of the product’s life cycle, as well as the formulas related to the assessment of the cost of the product’s life cycle. The article also includes practical examples regarding the calculation of the cost of the product’s life cycle, and lastly, it captures the advantages and disadvantages of estimating it.
Clasificare JEL: D24, G17, M41 | Pagini: 25-33

Statistică: vizualizări rezumat 104 | descărcări PDF 124 | vizualizări PDF 58
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