Declarația unică aferentă anului 2024
Numărul 1, ianuarie 2024 » Fiscalitate
Rezumat: The Order of the President of the National Agency for Fiscal Administration No. 6/2024 provides the model, content and instructions for filling in the single return (Form 212), by means of which the taxpayers natural persons who achieve extra-salary incomes finalize their financial status for 2023 and estimate the incomes and social contributions due starting with 2024. The form includes a series of updates compared to the previous year. Thus, the adjustments to the single return are made following the amendments brought to the Fiscal Code by the Government Ordinance No. 16/2022, Law No. 142/2022, Law No. 296/2023, Government Emergency Ordinance No. 115/2023 and Law No. 412/2023. The article includes a case study aiming to emphasize the way of filling in the form in case of a taxpayer who finalizes his financial statement for the previous year and presents the informative data with regard to the estimated tax obligations due starting with 2024.
declarația unică; persoane fizice; venituri extrasalariale; obligații fiscale; Ordinul președintelui ANAF nr. 6/2024
Clasificare JEL: K34 | Pagini: 31-42
vizualizări rezumat 120 |
descărcări PDF 126 |
vizualizări PDF 40
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