Deficitele comerciale la alimente în Africa de Vest: Există vreun motiv de îngrijorare?

Deficitele comerciale la alimente în Africa de Vest: Există vreun motiv de îngrijorare?

Numărul 9, septembrie 2023  »  Contabilitate și raportare financiară

Naomi O. Doki a
Joseph Fefa a
Emmanuel Aondongusha Asue a
Princewill Okwoche a
Victor Ushahemba Ijirshar b
a Department of Economics, Benue State University, Makurdi, Nigeria
b Universitatea Benue State, Makurdi, Nigeria

Rezumat: This study examined the food trade deficits in West Africa from 2000 to 2020. The aim of the study was to determine whether there is any reason for anxiety among the people of West Africa. The study found that West Africa has recorded cumulative positive food trade balance. However, it was also found that some countries within the region have consistently remained in the deficit region of food trade balance and this called for concern, especially that such countries account for over 50% of the region’s total population. The study found that the food production and food trade in the West African region, according to the data from FAO and the World Bank, are indicative of sustained efforts and these have yielded positive results. The study recommends that to manage post-harvest losses, there should be development of knowledge and the capacity of food chain operators to apply safe food handling practices and storage hygiene. Provision should also be made for funds and loans to facilitate the diffusion of better storage containers. The study also recommends that road, energy and market infrastructure improvements will help stem the flood of post-harvest losses and the need to create a stronger investment climate to encourage private sector investment in the food business and to work more closely with farmers to address supply challenges.
Clasificare JEL: Q18, Q56 | Pagini: 64-72

Statistică: vizualizări rezumat 17 | descărcări PDF 55 | vizualizări PDF 7
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