Evaluarea pentru raportarea financiară – alocarea prețului de achiziție al proprietăților imobiliare
Numărul 10, octombrie 2021 » Evaluare de afaceri
Rezumat: At European level, in recent years, a tendency of the investors heading towards the real estate sector can be noticed, which, in our opinion, may lead to important structural changes of this market. The changes are mainly determined by the liberalization process of the real estate offer formation method on the investment markets. Thus, the adequate estimation of the value of real estate and the knowledge of its characteristics become more and more important. In this context, this article is important by presenting the adequate techniques and methods for the allocation of the market value of a real estate on its components.
piață imobiliară; proprietate imobiliară; preț de achiziție; valoare de piață; abordări și metode de evaluare
Clasificare JEL: M41, K25, R30 | Pagini: 45-50
vizualizări rezumat 100 |
descărcări PDF 178 |
vizualizări PDF 54
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