Exploatarea efectului diversificării serviciilor în procesul de menținere a atractivității și rezilienței profesiei contabile
Numărul 12, decembrie 2023 » Contabilitate și raportare financiară
Rezumat: Digital reporting, sustainability, forensic accounting, money laundering prevention are challenges or opportunities for maintaining the attractivity of the profession and supporting its resilience? In this article we intend to discuss the challenges regarding the attraction and retention of talented persons in the accounting profession, as well as the way in which the new services transform the manner in which the professional accountants carry out their activity, having at the same time a positive impact in the change process which is based on the concept of “smart accounting for smart economy”.
profesia contabilă; reziliență; sustenabilitate; digitalizare; contabilitate criminalistică; educație contabilă
Clasificare JEL: M40, M41, O33 | Pagini: 2-5
vizualizări rezumat 106 |
descărcări PDF 91 |
vizualizări PDF 54
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