Impozitarea veniturilor obținute de experții contabili și contabilii autorizați în cadrul propriilor cabinete de contabilitate
Numărul 2, februarie 2024 » Fiscalitate
Rezumat: The article addresses a series of theoretical and practical issues regarding the method of taxation of incomes from independent activities obtained by exercising the professions of expert and licensed accountant within their own accounting offices. In Chapter II of the single statement, taxpayers have the obligation of estimating the annual net income for the current year, in order to determine the estimated annual tax and social contributions under certain conditions. The completion of the net income obtained in 2024, which is based on the final obligation in terms of social insurance contribution and health insurance contribution, will be made in Chapter I of the single statement submitted next year by the legal deadline for payment laid down in the Tax Code. The Law No. 293/2023 and the Government Emergency Ordinance No. 115/2023 bring a series of changes with regard to the rules for determining the annual net income from independent activities established in real system, based on accounting data.
expert contabil/contabil autorizat; impozit pe venit; CAS; CASS; declarație unică; Legea nr. 296/2023; OUG nr. 115/2023
Clasificare JEL: K34, M41, L84 | Pagini: 48-57
vizualizări rezumat 316 |
descărcări PDF 196 |
vizualizări PDF 143
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