Impozitarea veniturilor obținute din exercitarea profesiilor de expert contabil și contabil autorizat
Numărul 2, februarie 2020 » Fiscalitate
Rezumat: The present article discusses a series of theoretical and practical aspects regarding the taxation of income obtained from practicing the expert accountant and licensed accountant profession. The tax payers obtaining their income through independent activities have the obligation of estimating the annual net income for the fiscal year 2020 for the purpose of determining the estimated annual tax and the social security contributions, as appropriate. In order to do this, they will have to submit the unique statement to the qualified taxation body until the date set out by the Fiscal Code.
expert contabil; contabil autorizat; impozit pe venit; contribuții sociale; OG nr. 65/1994; Codul fiscal
Clasificare JEL: K34 | Pagini: 47-57
vizualizări rezumat 568 |
descărcări PDF 1031 |
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