Indicatori de analiză economico-financiară utilizați în aprecierea performanței industriei IT din România
Numărul 11, noiembrie 2022 » Management financiar și al performanței
Rezumat: In 2020, around two-thirds of the total contribution of the software and IT services industry to Romania’s gross domestic product (GDP) – i.e. approximately 8.8 billion Euros – were generated directly through the contribution of companies active in the industry (both companies with the main activity, as well as the ones with secondary activity in this area or that produce software and IT services for their own use). Within this sector, we chose to analyze from a financial point of view the company Endava România SRL during two years, 2020 and 2021, because, according to specialized websites, this is one of the most competitive and the best performing companies in this field. During our work, the readers will be able to see the level of the calculated indicators and to draw their own conclusions regarding the level of its efficiency.
Clasificare JEL: G32, L25, O12 | Pagini: 15-23
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