Indicatori de evaluare a proiectelor de investiții (I)

Indicatori de evaluare a proiectelor de investiții (I)

Numărul 7, iulie 2020  »  Finanțe

Asist. univ. dr. Elena Valentina Țilică
lect. univ. dr. Radu Ciobanu
Academia de Studii Economice din București

Rezumat: After estimating all the specific elements of an investment (the cost for initiating the project operation, the discount rate for the risk level assumed, the cash flows estimated to be generated by using the investment), its feasibility can be evaluated. For this purpose, a series of established indicators can be used which will assess different aspects related to the execution of the investment.
Clasificare JEL: G11, G13, G17, E22 | Pagini: 39-47

Statistică: vizualizări rezumat 292 | descărcări PDF 387 | vizualizări PDF 108
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