Influența factorilor contingenți asupra răspândirii metodei costurilor bazate pe activități (II)
Numărul 4, aprilie 2022 » Contabilitate de gestiune
Rezumat: The ABC (Activity-Based Costing) method is a special form of functional analysis of the costs, providing a modern understanding and a more accurate description of these and reflect an organisation’s financial status more accurately than the traditional accounting methods. Since its introduction at the end of the 80s, researchers all over the world have tried to assess the degree to which the companies have adopted and implemented the ABC method in various countries, as well as to identify the factors influencing its adoption and implementation.
metoda ABC; metoda tradițională; cost de producție; costuri indirecte; activitate; proces; calculația costurilor
Clasificare JEL: M10, M41, M49, D24, D61 | Pagini: 34-42
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