Mecanismul impozitării veniturilor obținute din exercitarea profesiei de notar public
Numărul 4, aprilie 2023 » Fiscalitate
Rezumat: The article debates a series of conceptual and practical issues regarding the taxation of incomes achieved by exercising the profession of notary public. The taxpayers achieving independent incomes from this profession are taxed in real system, based on the accounting data, and must set by self-taxation the declarative and payment obligations within the single tax statement submitted within the legal time period provided in the Tax Code. Public notaries are insured in their own pension system. They are considered taxpayers if they are in office, are members of the National Union of Notaries Public from Romania and pay their contributions by submitting an individual insurance statement in view of communicating the monthly income, according to which the monthly calculation basis of the individual contribution shall be set.
notar public; declarația unică; impozit pe venit; CASS; Casa de Pensii a Notarilor Publici din România
Clasificare JEL: K34 | Pagini: 51-58
vizualizări rezumat 57 |
descărcări PDF 96 |
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