Noi reglementări contabile în domeniul managementului deșeurilor
Numărul 1, ianuarie 2020 » Contabilitate și raportare financiară
Rezumat: This article focuses on illustrating how to account for the operations resulting from the establishment and payment of the Environment Fund and the ecotax, taking into account the legislative changes introduced in July 2019, with the approval of Government Emergency Ordinance 50/2019 amending and supplementing Government Emergency Ordinance 196/2005 on the Environment Fund and amending and supplementing Law 249/2015 on managing packaging and packaging waste.
managementul deșeurilor; gestionarea integrată a deșeurilor; Fondul pentru mediu; ecotaxă; Programul Rabla
Clasificare JEL: M41, Q57 | Pagini: 11-21
vizualizări rezumat 220 |
descărcări PDF 434 |
vizualizări PDF 42
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