Operațiuni contabile specifice cooperativelor agricole cultivatoare și procesatoare de legume (IV)
Numărul 7, iulie 2023 » Contabilitate și raportare financiară
Rezumat: Further to the articles dedicated to the specific accounting of vegetables cultivator and processing agricultural cooperatives, we present matters related to the vegetables processing accounting by means of the cooperative installations. Processing primary agricultural production proves to be the most important lever by means of which agriculture may provide added value to the activity of this sector.
cooperativă agricolă; membri cooperatori; contabilitate; procesarea legumelor; secție de procesare; depozit
Clasificare JEL: M41, Q13 | Pagini: 18-22
vizualizări rezumat 57 |
descărcări PDF 116 |
vizualizări PDF 21
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