Povara fiscală în cazul veniturilor din salarii. Studiu de caz în Uniunea Europeană
Numărul 1, ianuarie 2020 » Fiscalitate
Rezumat: Taxation plays a fundamental role in creating fair societies and building strong economies. It can help curtail inequalities, not just by supporting social mobility, but also by reducing market revenue inequalities. Fiscal policy can also impact employment decisions, the level of investments and the entrepreneurs’ willingness to expand their activities, which all lead to economic growth. Romania’s revenues from labour taxes is much lower than the European Union average. Nevertheless, the fiscal burden related to income from salaries is relatively high, at 39.8%, while the EU average is 38.2%. These numbers attest to the high fiscal burden in our country in relation to labour taxes.
povară fiscală; venituri salariale; contribuții sociale; impozitarea veniturilor din salarii
Clasificare JEL: H87, K34 | Pagini: 42-47
vizualizări rezumat 396 |
descărcări PDF 559 |
vizualizări PDF 170
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