Raportarea de sustenabilitate și impactul asupra educației contabile
Numărul 7, iulie 2024 » Sustenabilitate și raportare non-financiară
Rezumat: The accounting profession has transformed – from the activities of processing financial data, today’s professional accountants provide integrated services, becoming trusted advisors to entrepreneurs, assisting in strategic management decisions. All these transformations are also felt in the field of the financial-accounting education. As the body that manages the accounting profession in Romania, CECCAR reacted quickly by adapting its initial and continuing development programs to international standards, in order to respond as effectively as possible to the needs of developing the skills and competencies of professional accountants and aspiring ones to new realities.
profesia contabilă; raportare de sustenabilitate; educație contabilă; profesionist contabil; competențe
Clasificare JEL: Q56, M49, A29, I29 | Pagini: 1-5
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descărcări PDF 108 |
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