Raportări privind sustenabilitatea. Codul Român al Sustenabilității
Numărul 5, mai 2024 » Sustenabilitate și raportare non-financiară
Rezumat: With this article we want to highlight the way of reporting on sustainability. We need to be aware of why these reports are necessary and also to know the benefits of the Romanian Sustainability Code (CRS), how we use the CRS platform, what are the CRS criteria needed to prepare the sustainability report, and what performance indicators will be detailed in this report. The preparation of a sustainability report requires specialized professional training in order to train competent experts, as well as additional time dedicated to acquiring these requirements.
Codul Român al Sustenabilității; raportare de sustenabilitate; criterii CRS; indicatori de performanță
Clasificare JEL: Q56, Q01, M14 | Pagini: 32-41
vizualizări rezumat 143 |
descărcări PDF 116 |
vizualizări PDF 54
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