Specificul decontării lucrărilor și serviciilor agricole prestate de cooperativa agricolă membrilor săi
Numărul 9, septembrie 2023 » Contabilitate și raportare financiară
Rezumat: In this article we present the specific features of settlement of agricultural works and services provided by the agricultural cooperatives to their members. Thus, we will describe aspects regarding the settlement of agricultural works and services provided to the cooperative members by cooperatives with the means purchased from own sources and/or borrowed or from European non-reimbursable funds or with agricultural machinery rented from third parties.
cooperativă agricolă; membri cooperatori; lucrări și servicii agricole; utilaje agricole; fonduri proprii; împrumut; fonduri nerambursabile; închiriere
Clasificare JEL: M41, Q13, Q14 | Pagini: 2-7
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