SRL versus ONG, asemănări și deosebiri privind tratamentul contabil al stocurilor
Numărul 7, iulie 2021 » Contabilitate și raportare financiară
Rezumat: In this article we aim to present the main resemblances and differences between accounting the carried out by LLCs and the double entry accounting of NGO regarding inventories. Thus, we will highlight matters regarding the features related to donations received/made, value depreciations and commercial discounts, the recording of goods resulting from dismantling, as well as the accounting treatment of assets with a long production cycle, so that there is no confusion regarding the application of the appropriate accounting treatment.
stoc; activ cu ciclu lung de fabricație; donație; depreciere de valoare; reducere comercială; dezmembrare
Clasificare JEL: M41, L31, L33 | Pagini: 3-13
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