SRL versus ONG, asemănări și deosebiri privind tratamentul contabil și fiscal aplicabil reducerilor comerciale și financiare
Numărul 3, martie 2022 » Contabilitate și raportare financiară
Rezumat: The article hereby presents a delimitation of the granted/received commercial and financial discounts, for their proper fitting in and avoiding the confusions often identified in practice, with negative impact on the result of the year. Likewise, for rendering an accurate image of the financial statements, it is necessary to know the similarities and differences regarding the accounting treatment applicable to NGOs and LLCs, as well as their tax treatment.
Clasificare JEL: M41, K34, L31 | Pagini: 10-16
vizualizări rezumat 110 |
descărcări PDF 138 |
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