Studiu privind impactul pandemiei de COVID-19 asupra firmelor din județul Arad
Numărul 12, decembrie 2020 » Strategie de afaceri, risc și guvernanță corporativă
Rezumat: Addressing the COVID-19 pandemic has been a challenge for all companies, regardless of their size or location. In this paper, the authors propose the following research objectives: identifying the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on accounting firms in Arad County, respectively on their clients, evaluating the way companies managed the impact of the pandemic on their activity, as well as the relationship that these companies have with the Romanian authorities and CECCAR. In order to achieve these objectives, the authors used a descriptive, cross-sectional research, applying a questionnaire addressed to accounting companies in Arad County.
pandemie; identificarea impactului; gestionarea impactului; firme de contabilitate; autorități române; CECCAR
Clasificare JEL: M41, M49, H12 | Pagini: 3-11
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