Telemunca și munca la domiciliu în contextul actual
Numărul 10, octombrie 2020 » Contabilitate și raportare financiară
Rezumat: In the context of the increasingly rapid spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus on the Romanian territory, working from home and teleworking became safeguard tools for the present state of affairs, both for the employers and the employees. In this article, we aim to present a series of aspects regarding the identification of the elements that make the difference between teleworking and working from home, the case when there is an agreement prepared between parties or an unilateral act, the benefits and disadvantages of working remote, the financial aid measures for the sector established in the current environment through the National Agency for Employment, the sanctions that apply for the non-compliance with legal provisions regarding teleworking, as well as the related fiscal aspects.
Clasificare JEL: J41, J81, M59, H12 | Pagini: 52-60
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