Transpunerea Directivei UE privind raportarea nefinanciară în România – Perioada 2013-2020
Numărul 6, iunie 2020 » Sustenabilitate și raportare non-financiară
Rezumat: Starting with 2016, the non-financial reporting became mandatory for certain types of entities in the European context due to the introduction of the Directive 2014/95/EU, and the Directive has been transposed in the Romanian context, a country without a CSR reporting tradition. This paper aims to discuss the main concerns at European and national level regarding the effectiveness of this form of regulation. To achieve this aim, we enrol in extensive research using the framework of neo-institutional normative theory and the qualitative methodology based on a literature review of academic debates and documentary analysis of the transposition process, highlighting the harmonization of the Romanian regulation to the EU Directive. Therefore, the contribution of this paper is to reveal the transposition’s outcome in the context of the economic-, government- and society-related factors in Romania, taking into consideration the historical, cultural, economic and political local contexts.
Clasificare JEL: M40 | Pagini: 63-72
vizualizări rezumat 243 |
descărcări PDF 408 |
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