The Expert Accountant’s Ethics in the Context of the Mission of Reviewing the Accounting, Drawing Up and Certifying the Annual Financial Statements

The Expert Accountant’s Ethics in the Context of the Mission of Reviewing the Accounting, Drawing Up and Certifying the Annual Financial Statements

Number 1, January 2022  »  Financial accounting and reporting

Ludovica Breban, PhD

Abstract: The present paper addresses the topic of expert accountants’ ethics in the context of accountancy profession’s objectives – meeting the highest levels of professionalism and performance and fulfilling the requirements of financial information users. In order to respond to the needs of the financial information users, by means of the annual financial statements, the accountant must achieve four basic requirements: credibility, professionalism, quality and reliability.
Classification JEL: M41 | Pages: 3-8

Statistics: abstract views 230 | PDF downloads 239 | PDF views 132
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