The New Method of Real Estate Properties Taxation – A Sustainable or Non-Sustainable Measure for the Romanian Business Environment

The New Method of Real Estate Properties Taxation – A Sustainable or Non-Sustainable Measure for the Romanian Business Environment

Number 10, October 2022  »  Taxation

Silviu Cornel Chiriac, PhD

Abstract: Starting next year, the current real estate taxation system will change so that the way of calculating the tax on buildings will be simplified. The most important change that will occur in this regard is the removal from the Fiscal Code of the notion building with mixed use. The tax for buildings with dual use – residential and non-residential – will be determined according to the majority use. The paper aims to highlight the changes brought by Government Ordinance No. 16/2022, as well as the impact of these changes on the business environment from an accounting and fiscal point of view.
Classification JEL: K34, R30 | Pages: 42-47

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