The Taxation of Income from Consultancy Activities Regarding the Accessing and Implementation of the Projects Financed by European Funds

The Taxation of Income from Consultancy Activities Regarding the Accessing and Implementation of the Projects Financed by European Funds

Number 12, December 2020  »  Taxation

Professor Ramona Lile, PhD
Associate Professor Teodor-Florin Cilan, PhD
Lecturer Grigorie Sanda, PhD
Associate Professor Robert Cristian Almași, PhD
Lecturer Silviu Ilie Săplăcan, PhD
"Aurel Vlaicu" University of Arad

Abstract: The present article aims to emphasize a number of conceptual and practical issues related to the taxation mechanism concerning the income tax and the social contributions related to taxpayers who conduct consultancy activities in the field of projects funded by European funds.
Classification JEL: K34, H29 | Pages: 29-36

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