Value Adjustments Established at the Balance Sheet Date, Accounting and Fiscal Treatments Applicable to Taxpayers

Value Adjustments Established at the Balance Sheet Date, Accounting and Fiscal Treatments Applicable to Taxpayers

Number 5, May 2021  »  Financial accounting and reporting

Elena Stănciulescu, PhD

Abstract: In this article, we aim to present accounting and fiscal aspects regarding valuation allowances for tangible fixed assets and intangible assets, for inventories and receivables. All accounting principles must be followed in order to present a true and fair image of the financial statements. Valuation allowances play an important part in outlining the impairment losses incurred by assets, regardless if they are deductible or not.
Classification JEL: M41, M48, K34 | Pages: 15-24

Statistics: abstract views 270 | PDF downloads 489 | PDF views 168
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